Letter from the Editor: The future of Ms. Mayhem
Ms. Mayhem editor Madison Lauterbach announced the Denver outlet is halting publication. The last stories will be published by July 31.
OPINION: Alcoholics Anonymous needs an update for the modern age
Alcoholics Anonymous is an enduring recovery program. But writer Keegan Williams says AA needs an update to reflect modern society.
OPINION: Black girl magic changes the horror genre for good
Amanda Moriels examines how Black women have shaped the horror film genre, and what it means for their stories to be heard.
GUEST OPINION: Dear Aurora City Council, we need change
La Fleur: "I call on every business leader and major corporation in Aurora to speak up...We need justice for black, brown and queer people."
Opinion: Today’s diverse transgender community blossoms from a restrictive past
Elder transgender people endured a rigid system of gender binary in order to survive. Now, it's causing some contention within the community.
Opinion: Netflix’s “Maid” reminds us just leaving isn’t that simple
Netflix's "Maid" reminds us that just leaving abusive relationships isn't always possible, especially for those with few assets.
Irreverent, masked costume ideas for all gender expressions
Here are a number of goofy, scary, femme, masc., gender-neutral and masked costume ideas that can fit anyone’s budget.
The progressive’s guide to the 2021 Denver ballot
For the second year in a row, here's your voter guide for the 2021 Denver ballot, with recommendations from progressive organizations.
Opinion: Iranian artists create beyond borders
Many Iranian artists are treated as if they are ambassadors to their mother country and their work is reduced to commentary on geopolitics.
Opinion: Getting the sex ed we deserve and the self-love we need
Public opinion on masturbation has come a long way in the last several decades, but we should be teaching about normal urges in sex ed.
Opinion: America’s failing energy infrastructure will be our undoing
Experts warn that the power outages Texas saw in February are just the beginning if the nation continues to ignore our failing infrastructure.
Opinion: Macklemore asks more from white Liberals, and we must heed that call
As Macklemore rapped in "Trump's Over Freestyle," white Liberals must leave the comfort of privilege and note their role in white supremacy.
Goodbye 2020: Here’s what got us through the year
This year has been a doozy. On this last day of 2020, we thought we would share what got the Ms. Mayhem staff through it.
Opinion: When a movement loses momentum
Thousands of people lined up for the opening day of In N Out burger in Aurora. Meanwhile, the Justice for Elijah McClain movement is waning.
The Quarantine 2.0 survival guide
We're staring down the barrel of a second quarantine. Here's your survival guide with activities, food and movies for round two.
Opinion: Coloradans uphold progressive values and personal freedoms in 2020 election
Coloradans voted in favor of several progressive policies and preserve the freedom of body autonomy in the 2020 election cycle.
Opinion: Dear white Coloradans, it’s not time to celebrate yet
White Coloradans may want to pay themselves on the back for some of the 2020 election victories. But it's too soon to celebrate.
Opinion: The ‘Cuties’ controversy is not only absurd, it’s dangerous
Netflix has faced backlash and an indictment in Texas in the wake of releasing the film 'Cuties.' Here's why the controversy is absurd.
Opinion: Interruptions and contradictions persist through final presidential debate
Nonsensical droning from Biden. Contradictions from Trump. Muted mics for the candidates' first two minutes of response. Thumbs down for the third debate.
Opinion: Sensationalizing an election with dueling town halls
The second presidential debate of 2020 devolved into unprecedented separate town halls. Biden left supporters hoping he could make the country feel “normal” again, yet Trump continues to steal the show as a train wreck no one can look away from.
Voter guide 2020: Judges
Roughly a third of voters didn't answer the questions about judges on their ballots in 2016. This is part of our 2020 voter guide.
The progressive’s guide to the Colorado 2020 ballot
We spoke to progressive activists and organizations throughout Denver and Colorado for our 2020 election voter guide.
Opinion: The VP debates still left much to be desired from our politicians
Although the VP debate wasn't the screaming match of the Presidential debate the week before, it still left a lot to be desired.
Opinion: Calling all anglers, hunters and the outdoorsy to sound the alarms on climate change
Last week I spent two days fly fishing on the Madison River in Montana. The valley area is one of my favorite places in the contiguous United States and the trip was a much-needed reprieve from the mental exhaustion of the last few months.
We launched Ms. Mayhem in May, shortly after my mother passed away. Covering the pandemic and protests have been scary and emotionally taxing. A few days before we left, I got the news alert that Ruth Bader Ginsberg died. During our 14-hour drive up to Montana, I saw that Breonna Taylor’s killers would not be charged for her death.
This year has thrown everything it has at me, and I know many others that feel the same. It’s a never-ending circle of shit.
But standing thigh-deep in the river I share a name with, my brain stopped working at 1,000 miles an hour.
Give Black women flowers while they are alive: Auntie Sade serves up Nigerian classics
Sade Adebayo deserves her flowers while she is alive. Filling the stomachs of the Nigerian community in Denver for decades, she now has her own food truck.
Opinion: ‘WAP’ is a fierce sex-positive anthem, and it’s making conservatives cry
Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion have started a phenomenon with their new single "WAP," with some debating the essence of female sexuality.
Opinion: The media shies away from the topic of menstruation. Enough is enough
Very little is too risqué for Hollywood these days. Americans devour entire TV series focused on sex and sexuality, but the topic of menstruation seems to be too much of a taboo.
Opinion: Through the lens of China, America can see its own faults
COVID-19 is revealing deep truths about two powerful nations–the United States and China. I lived in both during the pandemic.
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