In April 2021, several Ms. Mayhem reporters undertook an ambitious project. They wanted to learn how women were evolving the sport of fly fishing.

The team initially approached the project through three main lenses: gear, safety, and conservation and education. Since then, they’ve added a fourth focus examining the lack of visibility and representation for women of color and other marginalized groups. They spoke with company founders making equipment more accessible; heard women’s experiences of safety concerns on and off the water; and discovered how women are shaping conservation efforts.

Our reporters spent hours in the car traveling across Colorado, conducted interviews over Zoom, and even made it out to Chattanooga, Tennessee for a weekend to bring these valuable stories to you.

The project consists of four multimedia stories and five films.

Welcome to Ms. Mayhem! /

Ms. Mayhem is a woman-owned, Denver-based online publication dedicated to authentic, in-depth news and uncovering the stories of underrepresented voices. We work to spark conversations about inclusivity and promote people who make waves within their communities.

We cover major stories from perspectives that are rarely seen from more mainstream outlets. Our stories focus on femme-identifying and nonbinary people in all walks of life, from sex work to the military; from tattooing and skateboarding to the STEM field. We aim to report from the intersection of gender, sexuality, class, ability and race.


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